village is one the village in Hakha township, Hakha district, Chin state,
Myanmar and is situated at 22 degree, 46 minutes latitude and 93 degree,
46minute and its altitude is 1056. (
village was founded by the five sons of Pu Ral Thang from Simpi. After being
hatred by their step mother, their father Pu Ral Thang abandoned them three
times. The first two times they came back, singing “Father is father, mother is
mother”. But the third times, he threw them into the roaring river called Phau
river after putting them inside the box. The current threw them toward the
other side of the river. And they could not came back. Then, they made their
living there. After monsoon season, Pu Ral Thang went there in order to know
whether they died or alive. Fortunately, father and sons reunion at the other
side of Phau river. So they named that very place as “Hmunhlipi”. Hmun stand
for “the place where father and sons met”. Hli stand for “we are former wife
descendants”. Pi means “We are from Simpi”.